other people’s lists
some personal websites I find beautiful
some internet art * works I love
* defined somewhat broadly
- 17776: What football will look like in the future (2017), Jon Bois. Multimedia fiction
- Howling coyote/wolf (1996), Joan G. Stark. ASCII art
- johnvertisement (2022?–present). Advertisement banners
- Stone harbor (2016), Liza Daly. Text-based interactive fiction
- The rolling giant (2023), Kane Pixels. Horror film
- Anonymous animal (2022), Everest Pipkin. Durational iframe multimedia poem
- Mount St. Helens is about to blow up (2018), Bill Wurtz. Music video
- Library of Babel (2015–present), Jonathan Basile. A realization of Jorge Luis Borges’ conception of La biblioteca de Babel
- Lyre’s dictionary (2018–present), Robin Hill. Procedural Greco-latinate neologizer
- Fungal (2022), Raphaël Bastide. Fungus-invaded Wikipedia
- Three body bot (2019?–present), Kirk Long. Three-body simulations set to music
- A physical book: Undigitization (2017), Liza Daly. Subjecting text to game-engine simulated physics
In making this site, these two articles I read have been enlightening, though I followed through with the recommendations in neither. Eventually I might revisit them.
- Sidenotes in web design (2020–2023), Gwern Branwen.
- This page is designed to last: A manifesto for preserving content on the web (2019–2021), Jeff Huang.
These specialized webdev frameworks are useful or interesting but have not seen use on this site: